Timezone Converter Handler

Handler to convert a given timezone and generate timestamps

This handler serves two purposes:

  1. Converts Date & Time (object/string) from one time zone to another timezone.

  2. Generates a timestamp for a given Date & Time (object/string).

The three options available in this Handler are explained in detail below:

1. Timezone Converter

The Timezone Converter converts a date-time input in a particular timezone to any selected timezone. The following tables list down the steps to configure the Timezone Converter Handler for two types of Output:

2. Timestamp Generator

Generate timestamps from a date inputted previously (MM/DD/YYYY) to the entered Date and Time.

(i) For String Input

  • Select String under the “Enter Date Time” field and give your input

  • Enter Input Date Format for String Input by referring to the table below

  • Choose the input time zone from the drop-down in the “From timezone” field.

(ii) For date-time input:

  • Select Non-String under the “Enter Date Time” field and give your input.

  • Choose the input time zone from the drop-down in the “From timezone” field.

  • Consider this date for example, Saturday, 27 January 2018, 10:30:00.012345 AM +0530

The following formats are supported:

Examples for reference

Modifier: Datetime to Timestamp Modifier

This Modifier is used to provide the timestamp starting from <MM/DD/YYYY> to a given Date & Time input.

  • Give the input as a string

  • In the Parameters field, pass the string format using the table

  • Provide the timezone of the user input

The supported timezone parameters are listed here: Supported Timezones

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